PKS-NasDem Reunion Opportunity To Take Anies Baswedan In The 2024 Presidential Election

JAKARTA - The name of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan is getting stronger as a potential candidate to replace President Joko Widodo. Even though the 2024 presidential election contestation is still 3 years away.

In the latest survey, Anies was in the first position to become a presidential candidate with a percentage of 15.2 percent. Passing a survey by West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil and Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo.

Even though he does not have a political party vehicle, it seems that Anies does not have to bother selling himself. The reason is, in the 2019 presidential election, Anies has begun to be targeted by several parties. In particular, NasDem and PKS.

In fact, the news from the coalition of the two had a chance to be sniffed when NasDem and PKS embraced intimately after meeting Anies Baswedan.

Meeting of Anies and NasDem's General Chairman 

Still in memory, Surya Paloh invited the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan to eat together at the Central Executive Board (DPP) of NasDem Party, Gondangdia, Jakarta, Wednesday, July 24 2019 afternoon.

According to Paloh, there was nothing special about the meeting. He said the meeting was a visit for his younger siblings to discuss and exchange stories.

As an older brother, Surya Paloh advised Anies Baswedan to maximize his quality in leading the capital city. In fact, Paloh stated that he is ready to support Anies in optimizing his potential in a bigger realm.

"Old brother's task is with good intentions, nawaitu, provide support, encouragement, so that all of his potential that has not been released, it is time to move forward. Prayers and hopes accompany his journey so that he can provide something more meaningful for our benefit as a nation," said Paloh during the meeting.

NasDem, Paloh stated, was ready to support Anies in Jakarta both politically, physically, and mentally. Paloh will also support Anies if he runs for the 2024 presidential election.

"God willing, everything is in line with the direction of the party. God willing, if everything is as we hope, support will not only come from one group, including one political party institution such as the NasDem," he said.

However, he said, NasDem could not carry Anies alone as a presidential candidate.

"We hope for the support of the parties for the nation's children who fulfill the capacities and capabilities of the leaders of this country," said Paloh.

PKS Embracing NasDem, a Coalition Plan?

After the meeting with Anies Baswedan, a few months later, Surya Paloh's party began to establish political communication with the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS).

General Chairman of NasDem, Surya Paloh, visited the PKS President, Sohibul Iman at the Central Executive Board (DPP) of PKS, Jakarta, Wednesday, October 30, 2019.

Paloh and some of his subordinates received a warm welcome from Sohibul Iman and PKS cadres. He came with a happy face and immediately gave a warm shake. They do not forget to kiss each other's cheek.

"How are you Adinda?" greeted Surya to Sohibul at the location.

"Alhamdulillah," answered Sohibul.

They immediately held an internal meeting which was held behind closed doors. Accompanying Surya Paloh, the Secretary-General and Minister of Communication and Informatics Jhonny G. Plate were present. In addition, there was also the General Treasurer of the Central Executive Board (DPP) of NasDem, Ahmad Ali, and the Chairman of the Central Executive Board (DPP) of NasDem, Rachmad Gobel.

After the closed meeting, the two political party leaders were still shy about revealing the possibility of a coalition. Sohibul Iman said that his meeting with Paloh and senior NasDem Party officials was still at an exploratory stage.

Sohibul said that his party would continue to open space for discussion and communication with NasDem. He hopes that this communication will result in consolidation for the upcoming 2020 Local Election (Pilkada).

"Later we will communicate, now from that communication there may be an opportunity for us to work together, for example in the Local Election (Pilkada). But we have not discussed that today," said Sohibul.

Sohibul revealed that there was no specific discussion regarding the political stance of the two parties. According to him, it is still too far to link PKS to a coalition with NasDem in the 2024 presidential election.

"We haven't talked about the next steps, let alone talking about the presidential election. Earlier, we were talking about equating perceptions about the nation, on various national problems, so we just built an understanding," he said.

Possible Reunion for Anies in the 2024 Presidential Election

Constitutional Law Expert Refly Harun predicts PKS and NasDem will be the parties that have the most potential to support DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan as candidates for the 2024 Presidential candidate.

Refly said that PKS is one of the parties most likely to favor Anies. This is because the party does not have a sufficiently prominent cadre to be nominated as president or vice president in 2024, including PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu.

"It means that the electability level of the general chairman (PKS President) and the Secretary-General is not very high. That's why he needs another figure who is considered more identical to PKS,” said Refly in a Youtube broadcast, Sunday, February 28.

Second, he continued, is NasDem. According to Refly, this party has actually supported the candidacy of President Jokowi-Ma'ruf since the contestation crew began. In fact, the NasDem was called the first to declare supporting Jokowi at the start of the presidential election.

In addition, NasDem has the potential to choose to carry Anies after seeing the current political map. If PDIP and Gerindra form a coalition in the upcoming presidential election, NasDem, said Refly, will not get anything.

The coalition in question is the nomination of Prabowo Subianto - Puan Maharani or Ganjar Pranowo - Sandiaga Salahudin Uno. Therefore, NasDem needs a figure who can be promoted as a presidential candidate.

Meanwhile, according to political observer Andriadi Achmad, the potential to carry Anies Baswedan was already visible two years ago before the 2019 presidential election.

This is because Anies had a meeting between Anies Baswedan and NasDem General Chairman Surya Paloh at the DPP office of the NasDem Party, Menteng, Central Jakarta. The news is circulating, both of them are talking about the 2024 General Election.

Meanwhile, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), said Andriadi, has historically been close to Anies for a long time.

In fact, former PKS President Sohibul Iman has a close relationship with Anies because both of them were the rectors of Paramadina University.

"Then the Jakarta Local Election (Pilkada) which supports PKS and Gerindra. PKS has an opportunity but is not sufficient, only 8 percent, it takes about 12 percent to reach 20 percent as a (requirement) for candidacy," explained the Executive Director of the Political Communication Studies and Research Center (PolCom SRC).

Because the results of NasDem and PKS if carrying singles are insufficient, Andriadi assessed that the two of them could form a coalition to bring Anies to be the 2024 Presidential Candidate.

"NasDem is also not enough, it could be a coalition, it could side by side to nominate Anies. But Anies' electability must skyrocket," concluded Andriadi.