Husband beats up woman in North Bekasi's Swadaya alley over co-operative loan dispute

BEKASI - A woman with the initials RYS is suspected of being beaten by a married couple (couple) with the initials Y and A in Gang Swadaya, North Bekasi, Bekasi City.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indardi, said that the couple allegedly ganged up on RYS regarding the loan problem at the cooperative.

"There was a misunderstanding regarding the loan of money made by the victim together with the perpetrator's wife to the cooperative," said Ade Ary in his statement, Sunday, September 1.

Ade Ary explained that the incident began with a misunderstanding between the wife of the alleged perpetrator A and RYS until a quarrel broke out. Emotionally ignited, A finally beat her husband at the scene on Friday, August 30 evening.

"To commit violence together against the victim by hitting with his bare hands to the left temple? Slapping the left cheek and left arm. As a result, the victim suffered a pain in his body," he said.

After being allegedly beaten, the victim immediately made a report to the police on Saturday, August 31, at 04.19 WIB.

"This case is the Bekasi City Metro Police," he said.