PSSI LAYOFFS For The Accommodation Of PT GSI's Carriage

PSSI reportedly carried out a massive layoff (PHK). In's search to several sources, 45 employees were dismissed.

"About 45 people. The main Media Division (PSSI) (has been laid off)," said a source who did not want to be named.

These employees as of September 1, 2024 are no longer working at PSSI.

PSSI, according to the source, has indeed prepared a PT GSI (Indonesian Football Garuda) carriage to fill the position or division left by employees affected by the layoffs.

Last year, PT GSI was introduced by PSSI to build the Indonesian national team at all levels. The company, which has a majority stake (95 percent) owned by PSSI, was originally included to manage all federation business assets.

The management of business assets aims to create the trust of sponsors and other partners, especially related to the activities of the Indonesian national team.

However, recently the role of PT GSI intersects with several divisions in PSSI, especially the Media Division.

"Full (a employee of the PSSI Media Division who was laid off) was replaced with GSI," said the source.

As is known, PT GSI is mostly owned by PSSI and the remaining five percent of the shares have the Indonesian Football Bakti Foundation which was also launched by Erick Thohir, Chairman of PSSI.

PT GSI, commanded by Marshal Masita, was also given the task of commercializing football activities, one of which was the Indonesian national team, broadcasting rights, and the use of advertising billboards, to merchandise.

Marshal Masita is not a foreign figure at PSSI. He had headed the PSSI Marketing Division and the deputy of the PSSI Secretary General before being expelled by Mochamad Iriawan alias Iwan Bule who was the chairman of PSSI for the 2019-2023 period.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Football Bakti Foundation has two main missions, namely ensuring the health of the players who are still active and not as well as the arrangement of players and former players' careers.