PLN Prepares SPKLU For 716 Electric Vehicles During The IAF Summit

DENPASAR - PT. PLN (Persero) ensures the readiness of SPKLU infrastructure for 716 electric vehicles that become official vehicles during the High Level Forum on Multistakeholder Partnership and Indonesia Africa 2nd Forum activities in Bali.

The use of electric vehicles at the international HLF-MSP 2024 and the upcoming IAF 2 2024 will use 716 units that function to mobilize delegates and also as operational vehicles.

General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) Bali Main Distribution Unit (UID) I Gede Agung Sindu Putra said that all SPKLUs are currently installed in four locations, namely around Kempinski Hotel and in the ITDC Nusa Dua area, Badung Regency, Bali.

To support the mobility of 479 electric cars of various types, as well as 237 electric motors, PLN will provide SPKLU, including 12 units of Ultra Fast Charging (UFC) type, 20 units of SPLU Gen 2 each with six sockets, and 20 SPKLU units of standard charging type.

The SPKLU at ITDC 1 and SPKLU locations located in the Kempinski Hotel area are SPKLUs that have been built previously. The PLN team has ensured that the SPKLU operates normally, "said Sindu, Friday, August 30.

As for the other two locations, namely ITDC 2 and around Tragia, Nusa Dua, 100 percent of the work has been completed and is currently functioning.

"For the location in Tragia Nusa Dua, it will later become a center for charging electric motor vehicles belonging to Korlantas (Traffic Corps)," he said.

Sindu said, to anticipate unpredictable needs, PLN also provides Mobile SPKLU which can be used at any time if needed.

He explained that PLN builds supporting infrastructure, namely applications that are integrated with each SPKLU, so that it can make it easier for officers and drivers to recharge electric vehicles.

He also believes in the performance of PLN personnel to serve international events this time. A total of 57 personnel will be deployed as officers operating SPKLU on the HLF-MSP & IAF to 2 2024.

"PLN already has a series of experiences in overseeing the success of international events, including ensuring the use of electric vehicles, both for delegates, operations and for security, has proven reliable," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

However, according to him, the success of this activity also requires a role from the community by resting for a moment the game of kites during September 1-3, 2024 because it will be at risk of interference with the 150 KV transmission network and the 20 KV PLN industry network.

"Let's work together to make this activity a success by increasing our common concern not to raise the kite during the HLF-MSP & IAF period later. This is for our common interests and safety," he said.