After It Was Inaugurated, Ridwan Kamil Poked IKEA: I Entrusted West Java MSMEs, Please Prioritize

BANDUNG - The Governor of West Java (West Java) M. Ridwan Kamil or Kang Emil hopes that the IKEA Kota Baru Parahyangan Store in West Bandung Regency which was inaugurated today can glance at the potential of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the West Java region.

"I entrust that (IKEA) always see the potential of the local economy and MSMEs in West Java. So it's like if the source is in West Java, please prioritize it," said Kang Emil.

Emil hopes that the presence of outlets that sell household products can awaken MSMEs and boost the community's economy, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I ask (IKEA) to always see the potential of the local economy and SMEs in West Java. So, it's like, if the source is in West Java, please prioritize it," he said.

IKEA Kota Baru Parahyangan aims to contribute to the regional economy and the welfare of the people of West Bandung and its surroundings. One of them is by recruiting more than 300 local human resources who come from local communities with different backgrounds.

In addition, IKEA Kota Baru Parahyangan organizes the Teras Indonesia program, which is a partnership program between IKEA and MSME players who can sell their products at IKEA Stores.

Kang Emil encouraged MSME players in West Java to make quality products that would later be pushed into IKEA outlets.

"We are grateful that there is a floor dedicated to handicraft products, IKEA-related products called Teras Indonesia," he said.

"With the presence of IKEA Kota Baru Parahyangan, there are 300 West Java residents who work to find jobs in the very difficult COVID-19 situation," he said.

President Director of PT. Rumah Mebel Nusantara for IKEA Indonesia Patrik Lindvall explained that the groundbreaking of the IKEA Kota Baru Parahyangan outlet was carried out by Governor Emil.

According to Patrik, his party received support from the West Java Provincial Government, specifically to develop business and the economic potential of the West Java community.

"Today we officially opened the IKEA Kota Baru Parahyangan operation in West Bandung," said Patrik.