The Ministry Of Education And Culture Proposes Additional Budget 2025 For Priority Programs Including Teacher-Lecturer Allowances

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) submitted an additional budget proposal in 2025 to optimize the implementation of priority programs.

Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek), Nadiem Anwar Makarim said the 2025 FY Ministry of Education and Culture Budristek Budget ceiling, amounting to IDR 83.19 trillion, caused the lack of optimal financing of mandatory and priority programs, such as the Indonesia Smart Program, KIP Lecture, teacher allowances and lecturers, language literacy and literature programs.

"The 2025 Ministry of Education and Culture Budget Ceiling is lower by IDR 14.51 trillion compared to the 2024 FY Budget Ceiling. Now this causes inoptimization in our mandatory and priority programs, including state university operational assistance (BOPTN) and others," Nadiem said at the DPR Commission X Working Meeting as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 29.

Other programs that also have an impact, he continued, are programs to improve the quality of teachers, cultural agendas, mentoring the quality of education, revitalizing PTN, and the Center Vocational High School Program.

Therefore, his party proposes an additional budget of IDR 26.4 trillion which will be allocated for 6 priority program clusters. First, an additional budget of IDR 3.8 trillion is proposed for the PAUD program and 12 Years of Study Mandatory.

For the Quality of Teaching and Learning program, his party proposes an additional budget of IDR 7.7 trillion. Another proposed program to get a significant additional budget is the Higher Education Program of IDR 9.9 trillion.

In addition, the Language and Culture Preservation Program is also proposed to get an additional budget of IDR 1.4 trillion. Then, the Vocational Education and Training Program, his party also proposed an additional budget of IDR 2.2 trillion.

The last program proposed by the Minister of Education and Technology to get an additional budget is the Management Support Program of IDR 1.4 trillion.