Knowing The Meaning Of Making Mechanism, Adverse Strategy To Face Mental Stress
JAKARTA - In the digital era, the level of community stress has increased dramatically, making coding mechanisms more important. This strategy helps individuals adapt to the changes and challenges that arise, as well as support better mental health.
Awareness of the importance of mental health is also increasing, encouraging open discussion of effective strategies to manage stress. Understanding and implementing adaptive coding mechanisms can help individuals live a healthier and more balanced life, and be better prepared to face any challenges that come.
Coping mechanism itself is a term that refers to strategies or techniques that one uses to deal with, manage, and address stress, stress, or difficult situations in life. In recent times, this concept has been busy being discussed, especially on social media and mental health platforms, as more and more people are looking for ways to improve their mental well-being.
According to research conducted by Holahan and Moos in 1987 published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the coed mechanism is divided into two types, namely active coding and avoidant coding. Active coding is a condition of emotional management where people who experience it are aware that they are stressed and know what causes it. Then he will begin to take steps to deal with the problem. Avidant coding is a type of coping mechanism where one tends to avoid problems that cause stress or ignore it.
Why is coding mechanism important? Because this strategy helps individuals:
- Managing stress and maintaining a mental balance
- Improve the quality of life and mental health
- Face the challenges more constructively
- Preventing burnout due to prolonged stress
Examples of healthy coding mechanism include taking care of yourself, doing hobbies, exercising, and writing journals. Meanwhile, unhealthy coding mechanisms include excessive alcohol consumption, drug abuse, and self-destructive behavior.