Turkey Condemns Sinagoga Development Plan In Al Aqsa Complex By Israel's Right Winged Minister

JAKARTA - Turkey's Foreign Ministry has criticized Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, after his call about the construction of the synagoge at the Al Aqsa Mosque Complex in occupied eastern Jerusalem recently.

"The statement made by Israel's National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, regarding the construction of a fire at Al Aqsa Mosque is a new and very dangerous example of Israel's efforts to change the status and identity of Jerusalem and sacred places in Jerusalem," the ministry said, saying the statement had led to Muslim anger in the world., reported by the Daily Sabah August 28.

The ministry further said such provocations against the holy mosque were offensive and caused global tensions.

Indicating the Israeli government's attacks on the Palestinian people, the ministry said its policies threaten regional and global stability.

"It is time for the international community to take action to stop Israeli aggression and protect the Palestinian people," the ministry added.

Earlier, Israel's far-right minister Ben-Gvir, known for its controversial statements and actions against Palestinians and Muslims, called for the construction of a fire at the Al-Aqsa mosque complex, which is respected as the third holiest site for Muslims.

Ben Gvir, who has repeatedly ignored the long-standing government ban on Jews to pray on the site, told Army Radio that if possible, he would build a synagoge in the Al-Aqsa complex, known by Jews as Temple Mount.

After Ben Gvir's statement, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Office immediately issued a statement reaffirming Israel's official position, which accepted the old rules limiting non-Muslim prayers at the mosque complex, known as Temple Mount to Jews, which respects him as the site of two ancient temples.

It is known, Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City is the holiest place in Jewish religion, as the location of two temples in the Bible. Meanwhile, by Muslims, this is known as Haram al-Sharif or His Majesty's Holy Place, this place is home to Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam.

Under the decades-long "status quo" arrangement with Muslim authorities, Israel allowed Jews to visit but should not pray.

Jordan has been the official guard of Muslim and Christian holy places in Jerusalem since 1924, and has openly been recognized as the guard of Jerusalem's holy sites.

The site is at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and suggestions for Israel to change rules about religious obedience there have led to violence in the past.