5 Ways To Teach Children To Be Responsible And Dare To Admit Mistakes

YOGYAKARTA Dare to admit mistakes is one of the responsible attitudes. This needs to be taught by parents to their children so that when they are independent later, children can be responsible for their life choices. How to teach children about responsibility, of course, it is not easy and must be repeated consistently. How to make children dare to admit mistakes and take the initiative to correct? Here's how.

Children are wary of any negative reactions, says child behavior development specialist and author You're Not the Boss of Me,dia Brown Braun. Children also want to be happy with their own perspective.

However, to teach responsibilities so that they dare to admit mistakes, they must be done repeatedly and never get bored. Children must learn from simple things with instructions all the time. For example, 'Finish homework', 'Say thank you grandmother', 'Use uniforms properly'. Later, children will learn to think for themselves.

Adults have a lot of choices to make every day. For example, when the alarm sounds whether you have to wake up or delay, tell me to call or just send text messages, have to buy shoes now or wait for discounts, etc. Tell your choices to the children. Because children don't realize little is needed in making decisions. By telling stories, children get an example in making decisions.

When homework is left behind, parents often take it to school. Parents also often help clean up their children's toys after playing. Try to teach your children about the consequences. If your child forgets their homework, give them the opportunity to solve their own problems.

"If you correct their mistakes and solve their problems, children will never learn how to do it themselves," said Raising Happiness sociologist and writer Christine Carter, Ph.D. reported by Parents, Wednesday, August 28.

That means, children need to "recognize their mistakes" occasionally and bear the consequences. It makes them learn to understand that mistakes are not the end of the world and they can find ways to fix them.

Parents do not always behave perfectly. Not infrequently avoiding mistakes that are actually made. For this reason, parents must also learn from mistakes and be role models for their children. Instead of throwing mistakes, being responsible and admitting mistakes will be more acceptable.

After the children begin to recognize the basics of responsibility, you can start reprimanding them when making mistakes. The advice of Raising Accountable Kids writer John G. Miller, to give them a second, third, and fourth chance not to blame others, but to admit their own mistakes if they do so.

That's how to teach children to learn responsibility and dare to admit mistakes. As mentioned above, teaching children must be repeated and consistent.