President SBY Runs Flower Sowing Procession At Seroja Timor Leste TMP In Today's Memory, August 25, 2014

JAKARTA Memories of today, 10 years ago, August 25, 2014, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) carried out a procession of sowing flowers at the Seroja Heroes Cemetery (TMP) in Timor Leste. The flower sowing was carried out in memory of Indonesian soldiers who died in Timor Leste.

Previously, SBY had served in East Timor (now: Timor Leste) as a soldier. The task was carried out by SBY many times. He witnessed for himself how many of his colleagues died in an effort to defend East Timor.

A soldier must be prepared to be placed anywhere. They are willing to sacrifice everything in order to maintain the integrity of the nation and state. SBY often agrees with the narrative. Luckily his wife, Kristen Herawati (Ani Yudhoyono) understands the duties of a soldier.

Their household began to be tested when they got married at the beginning. At that time, SBY was suddenly placed in East Timor in 1976. Their marriage alone is not even seven days old. The soldiers' wives must have a strong mentality. However, the assignment to East Timor is more than that.

It takes a really strong mentality. This condition is because East Timor is an area that is considered dangerous. Every day there is news of soldiers who lose their lives. Every time someone dies, the SBY and Ani families feel sad.

SBY also has a way to calm his family. He tried his best to keep sending letters to his family. The letters are the most calming thing. However, once an old letter came, sadness became the most felt thing.

Finally, SBY returned from his long task from East Timor. In fact, that is not the last. SBY served a total of three times in 1976-1977, 1979-1980 and the last 1986-1988. However, SBY did not go alone to serve in the 1980s.

His wife's child is with him. This condition made Ani even more worried. They are both in an unfavorable location.

I experienced what is called living in the realm of fear when in the 1980s SBY was assigned back to East Timor for a long time. My children and I participate. Every day we hear the news of the soldiers' death and join in burying them. Our lives are almost an emergency. Shopping is not easy and the water there is still cloudy. The 'trick' knowledge taught by Mother then inspired me to be creative so that children are not afraid to swallow cloudy water.

I gave suji leaves until the water was clear green. Agus and Ibas want to drink that water. Such tricks have become part of my daily life to outsmart the situation. The important thing is that Agus and Ibas are healthy," said Ani Yudhoyono as quoted by Alberthiene Endah in the book Ani Yudhoyono: 10 Years of Heart Struggle (2018).

SBY has also completed his duties as a soldier well. However, recently SBY chose to enter the political arena. His career is steady in politics. He was able to become a minister to become Indonesia's number one person.

SBY's position as President of Indonesia did not necessarily make him forget his struggle times in the current place called Timor Leste. He still remembers clearly his colleagues and subordinates who died. This condition makes SBY always take the time to visit the Seroja TMP every time he visits Timor Leste.

Take for example in his last year as President of Indonesia. SBY took the time to carry out the flower sowing procession at the Seroja TMP on August 25, 2014. The procession started from a ceremony with respect, continued flower laying, until it ended with a flower sowing.

This activity was then continued by visiting TMP Metinaro, which incidentally was where the heroes of the independence of Timor Leste were buried. SBY also laid down a bouquet of flowers. The rest of SBY's visit to Timor Leste was filled with state activities of the leader's meeting as well as resigning as President of Indonesia.

"I at the same time say goodbye and thank you and for the contribution of our President and friends, the leaders in this country in strengthening relations and cooperation between the two countries," said SBY as quoted by the ANTARA website, the day after, August 26, 2014.