Political Expert: PDIP Supports Anies Is A Rational Choice
JAKARTA - Jakarta Veterans National Development University political expert Ardli Johan Kusuma said that the rational choice for the PDI-P was to collaborate with former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan in the Jakarta Pilkada.
Ardli delivered the statement in response to the influence of the Constitutional Court's Decision Number 60/PUU-XXII/2024 on the Jakarta Pilkada.
"With a golden opportunity that PDIP can nominate candidates independently without a coalition, this must be put to good use if it wants to win the election fight. Likewise with Anies Baswedan, for Anies this is an opportunity, and the last way if you want to run in the Jakarta Pilkada, and continue his political career," said Ardli, quoted from Antara, in Jakarta, Saturday, August 24.
He argues that if PDIP decides to support Anies, there will be an interesting contestation in the Jakarta Pilkada.
"People can really feel the atmosphere of democracy in the process of selecting heads and deputy heads of the Special Region of Jakarta," he said.
Previously, Tuesday, August 20, the Constitutional Court changed the threshold for nominating heads and deputy regional heads through Decision Number 60/PUU-XXII/2024. The Constitutional Court canceled Article 40 paragraph (3) of the Pilkada Law and declared Article 40 paragraph (1) of the Conditional Unconstitutional Regional Head Election Law.
Through this decision, the Constitutional Court stated that political parties that do not get seats in the DPRD can nominate pairs of candidates for heads and deputy regional heads. Calculation of the requirements to propose candidate pairs is only based on the results of the legal votes acquired by political parties or coalitions of political parties in the election in the regions concerned ranging from 6.5-10 percent.
Based on data from the DKI Jakarta General Election Commission, there are 8,248,283 people who are included in the Jakarta Pilkada Temporary Voter List (DPS).
Therefore, the minimum threshold for the Jakarta Pilkada is at least 7.5 percent of the votes for the 2024 General Election. Meanwhile, PDIP won 14.01 percent of the votes in the 2024 General Election, so that it could carry its own candidate pairs.