19 Of The 50 Demonstrators Named As Suspects At Polda Metro Jaya

After undergoing police investigation, Polda Metro Jaya named 19 demonstrators out of 50 people named as suspects.

"50 people have been arrested. Investigators from the Kamneg Sub-Directorate of the PMJ Ditreskrimum (Polda Metro Jaya) have named 19 of them as suspects," said Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indardi to reporters at Polda Metro Jaya, Friday night, August 23.

Of the 19 people who have been named as suspects, said Ade Ary, they are given different articles based on their respective roles.

He said that 1 in 19 who were named as suspects had been applied to Article 170 of the Criminal Code related to committing violence together in public with goods.

"Then the other 18 were suspected of Article 212 of the Criminal Code of violence against officers, the threat was 4 years. Then Article 214 of the Criminal Code was violence against officers, which was carried out by more than 2 people, the threat was also 4 years," he said.

"The third is also Article 218 of the Criminal Code, which is not to heed the orders of the officers who are carrying out their duties," he continued.

Although the suspect has been named, the 19 suspects were not detained. The family has guaranteed to supervise their children from committing similar actions.

"19 suspects have not been detained. There has been communication with the family, the family guarantees the requirements are that this family supervises and guarantees that it is cooperative if one day it is needed not to repeat the same incident, not to lose evidence," he said.

The 50 demonstrators have been sent home to return to their respective homes.

"Of the 50 people who were arrested, 19 of them were named as suspects, then all 50 were sent home, including the suspect," he concluded.