Demonstrators Detained By West Jakarta Police Verified Data Before Freed

The West Jakarta Metro Police confirmed that the police would immediately repatriate the demonstrators who had been detained by the police after the action in the MPR RI DPR Building area on Thursday, August 22.

"We verify that it is clear that this is his parents or his family. Later, we will immediately return the person concerned," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Andri Kurniawan when confirmed, Thursday, August 23.

The police also ensured that the entire mass of the action that was secured could go home today. However, on condition that all mass actions are picked up by the guardian or family representative.

"By bringing a KTP or Family Card (KK)," he said.

Previously reported, the Indonesian LBH Foundation through the Instagram account @YLBHI uploaded a statement that looked up to the public. In his upload, YLBHI mentioned that there was one mass action that was detained at the West Jakarta Metro Police who was asked for a ransom.

"The latest update. One mass of action detained at the West Jakarta Police was asked for a ransom of 3 million rupiah by the security forces. Crazy!," he wrote in the @YLBHI account quoted by VOI, Friday, August 23.

"@Resjakbar @ListyoSigitP free our friends!," wrote the account.

According to data from Indonesia Police Watch (IPW), as many as 105 people were brought to the West Jakarta Metro Police consisting of 102 students and 3 adults. On Thursday, August 22, the number of demonstrators who were repatriated was 35 people.

While the rest, 67 demonstrators are waiting for the administrative process. The West Jakarta Police asked students caught to contact their parents and make agreements and signatures on stamps.

Students who have been picked up by their parents are immediately allowed to go home, should not be picked up by others. (Rizky Sulistio)