PBNU Find Other Ways To Be Able To Communicate With Cak Imin

JAKARTA - The Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board is looking for other ways to communicate with the General Chair of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin.

"Yes, we will try to communicate in other ways because yesterday we invited not to attend, we are looking for opportunities for other means of communication," said PBNU General Chair Yahya Cholil Staquf alias Gus Yahya at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 22.

Gus Yahya responded to Cak Imin's absence from an invitation from the special committee formed by PBNU on Wednesday (21/8).

"We have not received an explanation (Cak Imin's absence). We will continue to try to communicate as well," continued Gus Yahya.

Gus Yahya admitted that he wanted to convey a number of things to Cak Imin, such as the history of the formation of PKB to the management structure.

"Because our aspirations are actually simple and we have said many times that because this PKB was formed, NU was indeed established as an organization. Starting from the center to the area, it was actually the NU that made it. The one who formed the PKB DPP was the PBNU. The one who formed the management in the province was the NU regional administrator. For administrators in districts/cities as well as NU branch administrators. Everything that made it was NU," he said.

According to Gus Yahya, PBNU and PKB have almost the same management structure. However, PKB has a different task, which is to be on the political line.

He gave an example if there are Syuriah and Tanfidziyah at PBNU, while at PKB, there is the Shura Council and the Tanfidz Council.

"Now it has changed, changed at all. The Shura Council still exists, the Shura Council, and so on but its authority is not what it used to be because originally it was like in NU now, Syuriah in NU is the highest leader, policy controller, and determinant of the final word in all organizational problems," said Gus Yahya.