Weather August 22, Jakarta Has The Opportunity To Be Sunny And Cloudy Throughout The Day

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) estimates that the weather in DKI Jakarta, on Thursday, August 22, will be cloudy in all areas.

According to BMKG's official website, entering the afternoon, the entire DKI Jakarta area is expected to be cloudy so that it is safe to carry out various outdoor activities.

BMKG also estimates that the weather will continue until the afternoon.

Meanwhile, in the evening, the weather in the DKI Jakarta area is observed to have cloudy weather in almost all areas, except for South Jakarta, which is expected to have sunny cloudy weather.

Entering the early hours of the morning, some areas of Jakarta will experience rain such as South Jakarta and also the East. The rest, observed sunny and cloudy.

For the average temperature in Jakarta at 26 degrees Celsius, West Jakarta has temperatures 23-28, Central Jakarta 24-26, South Jakarta 23-26, East Jakarta 23-26, North Jakarta 24-26 and the Thousand Islands 25-26.

The average humidity in DKI Jakarta is estimated to reach 85 percent. West Jakarta has humidity levels reaching 80-95, Central Jakarta 85-95, South Jakarta 85-100, East Jakarta 85-100, North Jakarta 85-95 and the Thousand Islands 85-95.