Denying Cak Imin, PBNU Calls The Institution The Owner Of PKB Informally

JAKARTA - The Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board denied the statement by the General Chair of the National Awakening Party (PKB) which stated that his party did not belong to PBNU.PBNU Rais Syuriah Muhammad Cholil Nafis admitted that formally, PKB is a political party that stands on a separate legal basis from PBNU.However, Cholil emphasized that it was PBNU that founded the PKB in 1998. This is based on many NU residents who proposed PBNU to form a political party at that time. So, informally, he said PBNU became the owner of PKB."Indeed, according to the legal form it stands alone (PKB) because indeed when the establishment was founded NU was impossible to become a political party, then the ulama and formally PBNU formed a team for the formation of PKB. This means that historically PKB has a bond with PBNU," said Cholil at the PBNU Office, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, August 21.The basic principle of struggle or Mabda' Siyasi which is carried out by PKB, according to him, was prepared by PBNU.PBNU Deputy Secretary General Najib Azka explained the provisions that could be interpreted by PKB as belonging to PBNU. In chapter 13 of the basic budget and the PKB household budget (AD/ART), Najib explained the provisions in the event of the disbandment of the party, then PKB's wealth was handed over to PBNU."That means that there is a PKB owner who is the most qualified PBNU. That means, for example, if you have a company, it goes bankrupt for something, then it is returned to the owner," said Najib.Previously, Cak Imin stated that PKB and PBNU were two different entities. PKB was founded under Law (UU) Number 2 of 2011 concerning Political Parties. Meanwhile, PBNU was founded under Law Number 17 of 2013 concerning Community Organizations.Thus, Cak Imin asked PBNU not to interfere in PKB's internal affairs."Let's use each other's constitutional rights, use the Political Party Law, use the Ormas Law. I ask that if there are various kinds, return to the constitution," said Cak Imin.
Then, Cak Imin emphasized that PKB does not belong to PBNU. "This PKB does not belong to PBNU. This PKB does not belong to individuals. It does not belong to Muhaimin. It does not belong to any organization," he said.