The DPR Baleg Changes The Threshold For Regional Head Election Candidacy For Non-DPRD Political Parties, PDIP Is Threatened To Be Unable To Carry DKI Candidates
The Working Committee (Panja) of the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR agreed with the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the parliamentary threshold as a condition for nominating the Pilkada. The agreement was taken when the DPR Baleg and the government discussed the revision of the Pilkada Law.
But Baleg changed the Constitutional Court's decision to only apply to non-parliamentary parties or do not have a seat in the DPRD at all.
Meanwhile, parties that have seats in the DPRD still refer to the old rules, namely being able to carry candidates for regional heads on the condition that they have a DPRD seat of at least 22 seats.
The provisions of article 40 that have been changed, namely, first, political parties or coalitions of political parties that have DPRD seats can register candidates if they meet the requirements for obtaining at least 20 percent of the total DPRD seats or 25 percent of the accumulation of valid votes in the general election of DPRD members in the regions concerned.
Second, political parties or coalitions of political parties that do not have seats in the Provincial DPRD can register candidates for Governor and Candidate for Deputy Governor with the provisions, Provinces with a population of people contained in the list of permanent voters of up to 2,000,000 (two million) people, political parties or coalitions of political parties participating in the election must obtain at least 10 percent of valid votes in the province.
Deputy Chairman of the DPR Baleg, Achmad Baidowi, stated that the proposal adopted only part of the Constitutional Court's decision. The proposal is by all factions in the DPR except PDIP.
"This is actually adopting the Constitutional Court's decision which accommodates non-parliamentary parties to nominate regional heads, so you can also register with the KPU from before you can't. It can be approved, right?" Awiek asked.
Thus, PDIP, which plans to nominate the Jakarta cagub and cawagub pairs without a coalition, is threatened with cancellation.
Previously, PDIP positively welcomed the Constitutional Court's decision because it could nominate Paslon itself with 15 seats or win 7.5 percent of the legislative votes.