12 Bogor Youths Were Taken By Police And Sickles Found In Sigra Cars

JAKARTA - The police have arrested 12 teenagers who allegedly wanted to do a brawl on Jalan Achmad Sobana, North Bogor, Bogor City, Wednesday, August 21, at 02.56 WIB.

"Securing 12 teenagers from the TOM group," said Bogor City Police Chief AKBP Bismo Teguh in his statement, Wednesday, August 21.

Bismo explained that the incident began when his party received reports from the public regarding the group of teenagers who were gathered.

On that basis, his party went directly to the scene. As a result, dozens of teenagers and a number of evidences of sharp weapons to dozens of motorcycles were found.

There is even one Sigra car which is stored with sharp weapons in the form of large sickles.

"The knife is in the R4 (four-ed vehicle) vehicle which is still locked in the car," he said.

Currently, the 12 teenagers have been taken to the Bogor City Police for further investigation.