After Persecution Of Wife With Scissors, Malvin Escapes From Home

TANGERANG After molesting his wife, Malvin Arnaldo ran away. Malvin's escape coincided with news of his wife, Vera (32) making a police report regarding the abuse she experienced on Sunday morning, August 18.

The news of Malvin's disappearance was conveyed by Nusori, the head of the local RT13. He said that Malvin went missing without news after his wife made a police report on Sunday afternoon, August 18.

The persecution took place at a house on Jalan Palem 1 Blok E, Poris Indah, Cipondoh District, Tangerang City. Nusori said, Vera went to her sister's house in Cipondoh after Malvin stabbed her in the leg with scissors.

"His wife went to his brother's house. Her husband also left. He (the perpetrator) disappeared early (August 18). Until now there has been no news," said Nusori when met at the location, Tuesday, August 20.

Nusori is still explaining, Sunday afternoon a number of police officers came to Vera's house.

"After making the report, in the afternoon the police came to check," he said.

The same thing was said by Afan, a local resident, he said that since the act of persecution, Vera's house had looked quiet but the lights were still on during the day.

"Immediately the house was deserted. But the light was still on. On the run," said Afan.

Previously reported, the police followed up on the Domestic Violence (KDRT) case experienced by Vera (32), which her husband, Malvin Arnaldo, did in the Cipondoh area, Tangerang City.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tangerang City Metro Police, Kompol David Y Kanito, said the persecution took place on Sunday morning, August 18.

"That's right, we have made a report," said David when confirmed by VOI, Monday, August 19.

David explained that the incident began when Malvin returned home and asked Vera to close her online stall on social media. But, because there was still an order, Vera had not closed it.

It made Malvin feel annoyed and then hit Vera in the face several times, kicked her in the stomach, and scratched a sharp weapon in the hands of the victim.