The Reason Nia Ramadhani Participated In Denying Atta Halilintar's Boycott In The Aftermath Of Allegations Of Insinuating Vanessa Angel's Family

JAKARTA - Businessman and husband of Nia Ramadhani, Ardi Bakrie firmly denied that he had boycotted as mentioned in the TikTok video upload of the @axel.auxi.azzel account.

The video shows Ardi Bakrie's face and the narrative that his TVOne media company has boycotted Atta Halilintar.

Through uploads on his Instagram story, Atta shared a conversation with Nia Ramadhani who said that the contents of the video were fake news.

"Sis, let's say Atta yes. This has nothing to do with Ardi. So the relationship will not be good later," said Nia Ramadhani's message to Atta Halilintar, quoted by VOI from his personal Instagram, Tuesday, August 20.

Seeing the clarification of this couple, Atta immediately thanked him and said that he was indeed facing a lot of slander, especially after his upload which allegedly brought up the past of the late Vanessa Angel and quipped Fuji.

"Thank you, brother, there are so many people who slander and like this. Thank you, Sis," replied Atta Halilintar.

At the end of his upload, Atta emphasized that the boycott news that TVOne gave was just fake news and advised him not to be easily fooled by such narratives.

"Finish the boycott of TVOne. Be careful to eat slander. On TikTok or other social media, yes. Yesterday in Pak HT's chat (Hary Tanoe) now in a chat, sis Nia and Mas Ardi Bakrie," said Atta Halilintar.