The City Government For Autonomous Trams Becomes A Mass Transportation Option In Bogor, The Value Is IDR 75 Billion Per Unit

The Bogor City Government (Pemkot) is reviewing the autonomous rail rapid transit (ART) or known as the autonomous tram as an option to replace the mass transportation system being discussed in Bogor City.

Acting Mayor of Bogor Hery Antasari said President Joko Widodo had given directions on mass transportation to cities that often experience congestion.

In his directive, Hery said President Jokowi asked the local government to choose the most efficient mass transportation and according to regional capabilities. One of them is ART technology worth IDR 75 billion per unit with three carriages.

"We will study it, because we still have to study which one fits the most in terms of the infrastructure character of Bogor City and congestion," he said in Bogor City, Monday, August 19, which was confiscated by Antara.

According to Hery, when compared to the existing mass rail transportation, the ART which is currently present in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan (Kaltim) is much cheaper, including its maintenance.

"So when compared to LRT, MRT, Fast Train, per kilometer is much cheaper, including maintenance," said Hery.

Head of the Bogor City Transportation Service (Dishub), Marse Hendra Saputra, explained that this railless train is still an option to replace trams and is also being discussed with the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub).

"It's still an option. The depth still needs to be discussed and input from DJKA, for now the DJKA is still completing and evaluating the implementation at IKN," he said.

Marse said the Bogor City Transportation Agency did not know in detail about the excess train without rails and was still waiting for further directions from the Ministry of Transportation's DJKA.

Meanwhile, said Marse, the discussion of the railway system in the tram city which has been discussed for a long time in Bogor City is still ongoing.

"The brakes are still ongoing for discussion. If we don't know the advantages of the ART, we are still waiting for directions from the Ministry of Transportation's DJKA," he said.