Latest Study: Aliens Are Difficult To Find Because Their Civilization Is Too Advanced

JAKARTA The Milky Way galaxy is very widespread and has billions of planets in it so that many scientists, even ordinary people, believe in aliens. However, these creatures are still a mystery. Over the decades, humans have only been able to find strange events or phenomena that are thought to be related to aliens. No one has been able to find alien civilizations even though there are many intelligent scientists and advanced technologies used. Recent studies worked by NASA scientists have received answers to the difficulty of alien searches. According to research results, alien civilizations may be too advanced for humans so that no technology can detect their existence. In research conducted by scientists, they used the reverse concept by imagining alien ways of monitoring the Earth. alien civilizations may see reflections of sunlight on Earth through solar panels. Researchers used computer models and data from NASA satellites to simulate planets similar to Earth with various levels of solar panel coverage. After that, they created advanced telescope models to monitor the planet.

With a distance of 30 light years, this telescope can detect its planet, but there are some constraints that occur. The telescope used can make observations when 23 percent of the planet's land is covered by solar panels. In addition, the telescope takes up to hundreds of hours to make these observations. Thus, this study shows that finding a very advanced civilization and a civilization that is not yet advanced enough to have the same level of difficulty. Conclusions that could be drawn, scientists may not have used the technology or not yet the right way to look for aliens. Another possibility is that the Earth is in an environment very far from civilization or perhaps indeed the only one inhabited in this universe.