Yasonna Knows Supratman During The Jabat Chairman Of The DPR Baleg: Baleg And The Ministry Of Kan Intens About Prolegnas

JAKARTA - Former Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna H. Laoly said Minister of Law and Human Rights Supratman Andi Agtas was a capable figure to fill the position.

"He is a person who I think he can continue, a good person, capable, and capable of continuing to become a leader in the Ministry of Law and Human Rights," said Yasonna at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Office, Jakarta, Monday, August 19, which was confiscated by Antara.

Yasonna admitted that he knew Supratman, who previously served as Chairman of the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR RI.

"Our relationship as a baleg and ministry is intense, in terms of prolegnas (national legislation program), discussion of laws, and others," he said.

For almost 10 years serving as Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna felt that she had a sense of attachment with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Therefore, he wants the institution to remain victorious in the future.

"And I said earlier to the ranks, fully support the new Minister with all my heart so that this institution becomes a good institution in the future," he said.

Furthermore, Yasonna said that she had communicated by telephone with Supratman. He also wants to maintain good coordination with Supratman if later there is a need for information exchange.

"I called yesterday after a meeting with the President. I said, 'Pak Supratman, I just met the President. Congratulations, congratulations.' And before I met him. He said 'Thank you, Mr. Minister. Please, we can coordinate', too later if I am in the DPR, I will continue to coordinate," said Yasonna.

On Monday morning, Yasonna became inspector of the 79th Watch Day ceremony. On that occasion, Yasonna also said goodbye to her staff at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

He expressed his gratitude for the hard work and collaboration of all protective personnel. He also apologized for his imperfections during his tenure.

Closing his remarks, Yasonna said that he would continue his service as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives. He will be sworn in as a member of the council on October 1, 2024.

"In my capacity as a representative council of the people, of course I have served at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights for 10 years, I will continue to pay close attention to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. All the best, thank you very much (hopefully success, thank you very much)," he said.