Commemorating Police Fighting Day, National Police Chief: Best Service Commitment To The Community

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has designated August 21, 2024 as Police Fighting Day. This moment was asked to be used as a reflection for all ranks of the Bhayangakra corps to provide the best service to the community.

"Mr. National Police Chief conveys the importance of maintaining commitment and trust in giving service to the community," said Karopenmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko in his statement, Monday, August 19.

"He wants the commemoration of the National Police's Juang Day to also be a reflection for the Police to continue their struggle in maintaining security and order, and serving the nation and state wholeheartedly," he continued.

The order was accompanied by the issuance of the National Police Chief's Decree Number: KEP/95/I/2024 dated January 22, 2024 concerning the Fighting Day of the Indonesian National Police, and the Decree of the National Police Chief Number: KEP/1325/VII/2024 dated August 12, 204 concerning the Ceremony of the Police Fighting Day.

"For the first time we (Polri) commemorated Police Fighting Day by holding a ceremony at the National Police Struggle Monument in Surabaya on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. The theme taken on Police Fighting Day was the spirit of the 1945 Police, the National Police were welcoming Indonesia Gold 2045," said Trunoyudo.

It was explained that August 21, 1945 was a historic event for the National Police. At that time, the Commander of the Surabaya Special Police, Class I Inspector Moehammad Jasin read the text of the Police Proclamation; THE AUNTOEX CO-AFFAIRS WITH THE RAKJAT IN PERDJOEANGAN MAINTAINED THE PROCLAMATION OF 17 AGOESTOES 1945, HEREBY IMPOSING A POLICE AS A REPOEBLIK INDONESIA POLICE OFFICER.

"This incident is an important momentum that triggers the enthusiasm of police officers to support and defend Indonesia's independence by fighting against the arrival of allies until the events of November 10, 1945, and the resistance of Dutch and Japanese colonialism in several areas. This value of fighting should be maintained in building the nation and state of Indonesia," said Trunoyudo.