Energy Commissioner Blames Russia After Half Ukraine's Electricity Production For Lost Winter

JAKARTA - Ukraine has lost half of the country's winter electricity production since February 2022 according to European Energy Commissioner Kadri. He blamed Russia for this."Until now, Russia has destroyed or seized about 9GW of Ukraine's electricity production. This is half of the electricity Ukraine needs in winter," wrote an article for the Financial Times as reported by Sputnik-OANA, Monday, August 19.The article also states that the destruction of Ukraine's 9 electric gigawatt production is equivalent to the peak of Portugal's electricity consumption, a country of more than 10 million people.The warning is about a very high risk of humanitarian disasters, and calls on Western countries to "enhancing unprecedented logistical and aid efforts."Ukraine's power generation facility must be restored and activated whenever possible, a small-scale decentralized generator should be moved to the country, and solar panels should be installed on the roof of the building "as quickly as possible," suggested ANOTHER step.The commissioner has called on all "who have the ability to help Ukraine" to do so before winter arrives.Russia has carried out high-precision attacks with missiles and drones on Ukrainian power facilities.In early April, Ukrainian energy company DTEK announced its plans to recover as many damaged power plants as possible -- no later than October.Meanwhile, the operator of the Ukrenergo electricity network said the recovery of large energy facilities could take up to several years.Ukrenergo warned in April that Ukraine would continue to face a power shortage.The company said damage to energy infrastructure forced the power grid to operate at its maximum capacity.
Ukraine in June imported 858,400 megawatts of electricity per hour from the European Union, which is six percent more than during 2023, Ukraine's Center for Analysis, DiXi Group said.