GIS Pamers Green Cement Applications And Sustainable Concrete Solutions At IKN

JAKARTA - PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) emphasized its leadership as a provider of solutions for environmentally friendly building materials in the country, by presenting environmentally friendly landed occupancy in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan. This is in line with the policy of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) to accelerate the implementation of sustainable development (green construction) through the use of environmentally friendly building materials in the IKN project.

Building the nation for 79 years after Indonesia's independence, the Government continues to accelerate the provision of housing for the community to overcome the number of backlogs for house ownership in Indonesia. Based on the National Socio-Economic Survey Data (Susenas) in 2023, the housing backlog in Indonesia reached 9.9 million units, with 26.9 million households not having access to decent housing.

Celebrating the momentum of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, GIS presents an environmentally friendly site residence in IKN in the form of a type 36 Low-Income Community House (MBR) built using an interlock brick solution, from green cement that is environmentally friendly. Bata interlock is an application-research product with a brick work mechanism that locks each other between beams such as the lego system.

The use of interlock bricks provides many advantages over conventional materials in the construction of houses, because it is more efficient in the use of materials and easier in application.

The duration of the construction of houses using interlocked bricks is also faster than ordinary bricks because it does not require a brick immersion process, the provision of casting or sorting printed boxes, application of adhesive or specion in each brick layer, as well as addition of plaster and acian.

Bata interlock has also been declared earthquake friendly for areas with a high level of seismicity (KDS D) based on the 2D wall cyclic Test at the Center for Facilities and Buildings of the Director General of Settlement and Housing Engineering Development.

In addition to the example house, SIG also applies innovative cement-based green concrete solutions, such as concrete solutions for road repairs overnight, decorative concrete, and paving blocks as solutions for inundated areas. The presence of environmentally friendly building materials that can accelerate the construction of the house is faced with being a concrete solution to support the Government in providing decent housing for the community.

The Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, welcomed the positive innovation of green cement from GIS as part of the journey of the transformation of SOEs, as well as the real contribution of SOEs in preserving the environment and reducing the impact of climate change.

"BUMN is committed to continuing to protect the Indonesian environment, including by creating green cement by PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG). The current GIS green cement innovation has been able to reduce emissions by up to 38 percent compared to conventional cement," said Erick Thohir.

GIS President Director, Donny Arsal said, green cement is an innovation of products from GIS produced with materials and through environmentally friendly processes, and is supported by research and development activities to produce products with lower emissions while maintaining quality in its allocation class.

GIS as a company providing building materials solutions with the largest market capacity and share in Indonesia, is ready to maintain leadership in the industry to ensure that sustainable development targets in Indonesia can be realized, through innovation of low-carbon environmentally friendly building materials.

GIS green cement is recorded to be 21-38 percent lower in carbon than conventional cement, and has high domestic content (TKDN), more than 90 percent. The combination of environmental aspects and high TKDN values makes GIS products very relevant to be applied to National Strategic Projects, including IKN, as the nation's pride work," said Donny Arsal, in a written statement, Sunday, August 18.

In the construction project at IKN, SIG has contributed by supplying building materials since December 2022. As of July 2024, SIG is recorded to have supplied 695,000 tons of cement used in a number of projects, such as the State Palace, the Presidential Office, and Ceremony Fields located in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP), to toll road projects and IKN airports.

In addition, GIS products are also used in the Sepaku Dam project which functions as a supporting means to meet the raw water needs of IKN.

To contribute more and ensure sustainable development in IKN, SIG builds a synergy-based business ecosystem through collaboration with PT Bina Karya (Persero) as the IKN Authority Business Entity which has an important role in IKN development. SIG is also included in the ranks of shareholders of PT Karya Logistik Nusantara (KLN) which is a consortium of BUMN Karya which will supply concrete, overall raw materials and logistics management in IKN development.

This strategic step is an opportunity for SIG to supply green cement and sustainable solutions in IKN, achieve business growth, and expand the positive benefits of environmentally friendly development for the community.