Realize A Safe And Healthy Work Environment, Pupuk Kaltim Wins K3 Award From The East Kalimantan Provincial Government

PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim) won the K3 Award from the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, for the achievement of Safe Working Hours (Zero Accident) as well as the HIV Prevention and Control Program (P2HIV) with the title Platinum, which has been an aspect of K3 of the Company to protect workers from accidents, diseases due to work and other health problems. The East Kalimantan Pupuk Management received the award from Acting Governor of East Kalimantan Akmal Malik on August 9, 2024.

VP K3 Pupuk Kaltim David Ronaldo Manik, revealed that the highest award received shows the commitment of Pupuk Kaltim to consistently apply K3 aspects in every activity within the company's business sphere. Where this is part of the fundamental of Pupuk Kaltim, to always ensure that work safety and health are applied optimally to support sustainable business performance and operations.

It was recorded that until December 2023 Pupuk Kaltim managed to pocket 61 million safe working hours without accidents, through the implementation of the K3 Management System (SMK3) in accordance with Government Regulation Number 50 of 2012. A number of policies and strategies implemented also met ISO 4501: 2018 standards to increase consumer confidence in the national and global market, supported by international standard such as IFA Protect and Sustain and proactive Response Care.

"Pupuk Kaltim realizes that K3 is not only a matter of compliance with regulations, but also a form of shared responsibility to protect each other from the risks of work. This has become the culture of every Company person in daily activities," said David, in a written statement, Saturday, August 17.

He explained, through the slogan 'Safety is Our Personal' Pupuk Kaltim, it continues to encourage company members to increase K3 culture in daily activities, as well as actively participate in suppressing potential risks in the work environment for activities that are unsafe in nature, unsafe condition or that have the potential to cause nearmiss. This effort is an active step for the company to protect workers from safety and health while preventing events that have the potential to cause fatality.

Another effort in implementing K3 was realized by Pupuk Kaltim through the Stop Work Authority (SWA) policy, which gives the authority of all workers to intervene in unsafe jobs, so that improvement actions are immediately taken before it is continued. This is a form of joint responsibility to ensure that the workplace is in a safe condition, by authority to anyone who has the potential to endanger themselves and others around it.

"Through SWA, authorization to stop unsafe jobs is given to all employees and contractors in the Pupuk Kaltim environment, as a form of concern for fellow workers in ensuring that work can take place safely and safely," continued David.

Likewise for the P2HIV program, Pupuk Kaltim is periodically implemented through direct education and the Voluntary Counseling Test (VCT) to anticipate the risk of HIV/AIDS for all employees and the Company's extended family. In addition, this program is also an active step by the company against the elimination of stigma and discrimination against employees suffering from HIV/AIDS, by providing assistance to ODHA and not distinguishing workers from these cases on job and career opportunities.

"This is also part of Pupuk Kaltim's commitment to support the government's program in realizing Three Zero HIV/AIDS in 2030, namely there are no new cases of HIV/AIDS, no deaths from HIV/AIDS and no stigma and discrimination from ODHA," explained David.

Of all the efforts carried out, Pupuk Kaltim also emphasized the importance of technological innovation that the Company has also developed in supporting the implementation of K3. One of them is through the creation of performance programs and applications such as e-permit, WE CARE, PKT Sehat and K3 Online Certification, to support all operational activities carried out safely. The application also continues to be improved and developed, as a form of strengthening industrial transformation 4.0 through digitalization of integrated programs throughout the Company line.

"This technological innovation has also received recognition to the International. Even in the 2024 ICC-OSH, as many as 4 groups of the East Kalimantan Pupuk team managed to get the highest Five Stars and Four Stars awards," said David.

He said that the implementation of K3 will continue to be a commitment to Pupuk Kaltim to be consistently implemented in optimizing the company's performance, considering that production excellence can be achieved by placing the safety and health aspects of work as one of the main pillars. In addition to efforts to protect workers, K3 is also expected to be a reliable strategy to strengthen the company in facing challenges in the future.

"This award is a motivation for Pupuk Kaltim to continue to improve the K3 standard, as a form of commitment and compliance with the rules by evaluating the development of K3 aspects according to current challenges. This is what Pupuk Kaltim continues to hold as one of the company's sustainability strategies," added David.

Acting Governor of East Kalimantan, Akmal Malik, expressed his appreciation for the K3 Award that Pupuk Kaltim won, for his dedication in implementing and promoting aspects of work safety and health within the Company. According to him, this award is not only a form of recognition from the Regional Government, but also an encouragement to continue to improve K3 standards for the welfare of workers and company productivity.

"We hope that this award can motivate other companies in East Kalimantan to always prioritize K3 in business activities, by ensuring that the location of working is safe and healthy. Follow the awareness of all workers to always stick to the K3 aspect in every activity, as a form of shared responsibility," said Akmal Malik.