Instagram Tests Long Square Layout On User Profile

JAKARTA Instagram will make major changes to its platform, which is to change the appearance of the boxes on the profile to a rectangular. This change is being tested on a small fraction of users. Instagram chief Adam Mosseri created a Story discussing this change on Friday, August 16. Mosseri said that Instagram deliberately turned the appearance on the profile into a rectangular because of the video format that was difficult to cut. "Most of what was uploaded to Instagram is currently vertical," Mosseri wrote on her account. "The photo size is 4x3 or 9x16 in the video, and cutting it into squares is quite difficult." Mosseri also discussed a little bit about the origin of the grid or box display in the user profile. The head of Instagram explained that the appearance of the boxes was affected by the initial format when the platform was first created. "The box drop comes from ancient times when you can only upload box-shaped photos to Instagram," Mosseri explained. This format limitation has been removed in 2015 and users can upload rectangularly shaped photos.

Mosseri menyadari perubahan yang sedang uji ini dapat mengganggu banyak penggunanya, khususnya akun yang memperhatikan tampilan aesthetic. Namun, perubahan ini tetap harus dilakukan menurut Mosseri. "Saya tahu ini bisa menyerang bagi sebagian dari Anda yang benar-benar menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk membuatkan dan memastikan semuanya sesuai, tetapi saya benar-benar ingin melakukan yang lebih baik pada konten hari ini," ungkap Mosseri.