Message From KPK Chairman Nawawi At The 79th Anniversary Ceremony Of The Republic Of Indonesia: Never There Is An Easy Task

JAKARTA - Meanwhile, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nawawi Pomolango reminded that there has never been an easy task. KPK personnel are reminded to never give up and try like the attitude of the nation's heroes.

This was conveyed by Nawawi when delivering the mandate of the ceremony as a coach at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Saturday, August 17.

There has never been an easy task for us to live in the days ahead. The KPK will also undergo a transitional process and institutional transformation that we hope can be better in life. Let's reflect on the heroes of independence who never give up and always try," he said at the ceremony.

Nawawi also reminded KPK personnel to stay away from fraudulent practices. "Not accepting gratuities, not committing extortion, accepting bribes and other despicable acts that are corrupt," he said.

KPK personnel, continued Nawawi, must also always remind people in their immediate environment to stay away from corrupt practices.

"Let's prepare for improvement and others as one of the good opportunities to fill and defend the nation's independence, welcome the future and hope that Indonesian civilization will advance free from corruption," he said.

The ceremony to welcome the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia was held in the courtyard of the building. Employees from various deputies attended.

Also present were KPK Supervisory Board member Albertina Ho. Three Deputy Chairmen of the KPK, namely Alexander Marwata, Johanis Tanak, and Nurul Ghufron participated in this activity along with other structural officials.