Minister Of Health: Cooperation At The Ministry Of Health-FK Hospital Prevents Problems In PPDS From Bullying To Extortion

Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin said the cooperation between various hospitals (RS) of the Ministry of Health with medical faculties (FK) could prevent problems around the Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS), ranging from seniority, bullying to unofficial levies.

"Now we want to improve governance, I told Pak Nadiem (Mendikbudristek Nadiem Makarim) and we have agreed, just below him we are still looking at, there must be cooperation between the Ministry of Health Hospital and FK, so that they can sign a contract with us," said Minister of Health Budi after the Press Conference on the 2025 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft and Financial Note in Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 16.

With the cooperation between the two ministries, his party can supervise the rights of PPDS students while serving a period of practical and guard duties in hospitals, starting from working hours, salary payments, providing supporting facilities such as BPJS Kesehatan and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan as workers in general.

The reason is, without the cooperation as it is today, he said PPDS students such as just staying in practice and guarding at hospitals, including the Ministry of Health Hospital because his party does not have a legal umbrella to intervene in the event of abuse or abuse of them.

"Indeed, there are many interesting unofficial funds, I get what students have to pay, whether it's what is deposited with their seniors, or where, I don't know. But the proof of the transfer is there. Yes, I said it shouldn't be like that, but they weren't part of the Ministry of Health Hospital, so we also hold it for a bit difficult, "said Budi.

The Minister of Health also reiterated that his party had collaborated with the Indonesian National Police to investigate the case of a student of the Specialist Doctors Education Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Undip Semarang, who died, allegedly committed suicide at his boarding house on Jalan Lempongsari, Semarang City, Central Java.

The death of the victim with the initials AR who was found on Monday (12/8) was allegedly related to bullying where he studied.

"This time we are sending an audit because there has been a death, we are also working with the local police to conduct an examination of the doctor who committed suicide," said Minister of Health Budi.