Controversy Of The Prohibition Of Hijab For Paskibraka Putri

JAKARTA The Pusaka Flag-raising Troops (Paskibraka) 2024 are being discussed because there are allegations of coercion in the release of the hijab for female members. This rule is considered not Pancasilaist and curbs the freedom of religion of Indonesian citizens (WNI).

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially inaugurated 76 of the nation's best sons and daughters as members of the 2024 national Paskibraka on Tuesday (13/8/2024). For the first time, the inauguration of Paskibraka was held at the Garuda Palace, the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago.

But there was something strange in the inauguration ceremony, because none of the female participants wore the hijab. Even though 18 members of the women's Paskibraka are known to wear the hijab in their daily lives. Netizens then suspected that there was coercion from the Paskibraka organizers.

According to the investigation, there were 18 representatives of Paskibraka women in 2024 from 18 provinces who were forced to remove the headscarf for the prohibition. The 18 Paskibraka women were scattered, from Aceh to Papua. Among them, Dzawata Maghfura Zuhri (Aceh), Maulia Permata Putri (West Sumatra), Rahma Az Zahra (Jambi), Kamilatun Nisa (Riau), Amanda Aprillia (Bengkulu), Sofia Sahla (West Java), Keynina totala Candra (DIY), and Amna Kayla (NTB).

Warganet had shed their anger following the growing amount of speculation. Even the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) was asked for information regarding this polemic.

However, Menpora Dito Ariotedjo did not comment much because Kemenpora no longer had the authority to the Paskibraka Team since 2022.

"Since 2022, Paskibrakafull has been withdrawn to BPIP. The Ministry of Youth and Sports has absolutely no authority," Dito told reporters.

Paskibraka is an army tasked with flying and lowering the Heritage Flag in the commemoration ceremony of Indonesian Independence Day every August 17. In the Regulation of the Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2017 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Youth and Sports Number 0065 of 2015 concerning the Implementation of Heritage Flag-raising Activities, it was stated that Paskibraka appeared in conjunction with the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence on August 17, 1945.

The idea of Paskibraka first appeared in 1946, but the naming was only familiar in 1973. As long as 79 Indonesian countries were established, the Paskibraka squad became an important part that was inseparable from the ceremony to commemorate the Independence Day of Indonesia.

If previously the management of Paskibraka was carried out by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, then since 2022 it has been transferred to the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP). When the news of Paskibraka 2024 released the hijab, BPIP was asked to be responsible for the excitement.

Head of BPIP Yudian Wahyudi assessed that the release of the hijab of a number of Paskibraka members aims to raise the values of uniformity in raising the flag and only during the inauguration of Paskibraka and raising the Red and White at state ceremonies.

"Because it was done from the beginning of Paskibraka it was a uniform," said Yudian when giving a press statement at the IKN Police Residential, East Kalimantan, Wednesday (14/8/2024), quoted from Antara.

Yudian explained that the moment of releasing the Paskibraka headscarf was a voluntary action by officers. Thus, there is absolutely no element of coercion.

"In connection with the development of discourse in the public regarding accusations against BPIP of coercion on the headscarf, BPIP understands the aspirations of the community. BPIP confirms that it does not force the headscarf to take off," he said.

Yudian emphasized that the agreement to release the hijab was confirmed with the signature they gave in a statement of willingness to comply with the regulations for the formation and implementation of Paskibraka's duties in 2024. Paskibraka members gave their signatures on a stamp of Rp. 10,000. This indicates that the statement is official and binding in the eyes of the law.

The release of the hijab allegedly carried out by 18 members of the women's Paskibraka drew criticism from various parties, including the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and Muhammadiyah. According to the two largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia, it injures the spirit of Pancasila and includes discriminatory actions.

The chairman of the MUI for Da'wah and Ukhuwah M Cholil Nafis even suggested that Paskibraka Muslimah return home if he was forced to do so.

Wearing the hijab for Muslim women in Indonesia is guaranteed by the constitution. This is in accordance with the 1945 Constitution Article 29. In the first and second paragraph of the regulation it is stated, "The state is based on the One Godhead. The state guarantees the independence of each resident to embrace their respective religions and to worship according to their religion and belief."

Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) also spoke about this incident, reminding the Government to consistently implement human rights (HAM) and Pancasila. Therefore, if this information is not true, the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) must provide a clarification on issues related to the prohibition of the imposition of the Women's Paskibraka headscarf.

Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR RI Abdul Fikri Faqih emphasized that the imposition of the headscarf is part of the implementation of obedience to religious teachings, which is guaranteed by human rights and Pancasila.

"Women wearing headscarves are the implementation of obedience to religious teachings that they believe in, namely Islam and this is in accordance with the implementation of the first precepts of Pancasila, One Supreme God," said Fikri.

On the other hand, the PKS faction politician reminded that BPIP does not have the capacity to regulate the imposition of religious symbols. Moreover, the headscarf that has been worn by Paskibraka for years is a woman and so far there have been no problems.

Fikri said that BPIP should prioritize competence and respect the selected and best post-brake achievements from various regions. "I hope that, in the future, Paskibraka will return its management to the Ministry of Youth and Sports," he said.

Meanwhile, the Central Board of Purna Paskibraka Indonesia (PPI) confirmed that since 2002 the women's Paskibraka with the hijab have been allowed to wear the hijab while on duty. According to PPI Deputy Chair Amelia Ivonila Ilahude as the alumnus of Paskibraka 2002, emphasized that since the beginning there have been no obstacles for a Paskibraka member wearing a hijab because it does not interfere with the duties of a female Paskibraka.