Vice President Ma'ruf Amin Cancels Being PKB-PBNU Peacemaker

JAKARTA - Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin is said to have canceled his role as a peace interpreter or intermediary of conflict between the National Awakening Party (PKB) and the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU).

This was revealed by the General Chairperson of the PKB after visiting Ma'ruf Amin's official residence on Jalan Diponegoro, Menteng, Central Jakarta.

"Not anymore, because he is even more assertive, 'this is not about the same two organizations, this is different, the business is different'. What does PBNU have to do with it, what does PKB have to do with it," said Cak Imin, Thursday, August 15.

During this meeting, Cak Imin complained to Ma'ruf who is also a former PBNU Rais Aam that there were efforts to intervene to interfere in the internal affairs of PKB. Cak Imin said Ma'ruf also agreed with him that PKB and PBNU were two different entities.

PKB was founded based on Law (UU) Number 2 of 2011 concerning Political Parties. Meanwhile, PBNU was established based on Law Number 17 of 2013 concerning Community Organizations.

"He said 'yes, everyone must obey the constitution because PBNU and PKB are two different organizations, one is political parties, one is mass organizations'. I hope that PBNU must obey the constitution, who else will obey it if it is not the constitution? Namely the Political Party Law, the Ormas Law," explained Cak Imin.

Thus, the Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives asked PBNU to refrain from evaluating the PKB structural in his leadership.

"I respect PBNU, the inputs I receive properly, the criticism becomes a capital for improvement if something goes wrong. But I need to convey, PBNU and PKB different organs constitutionally. each is guaranteed by the state constitution," he continued.

Previously, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin emphasized his willingness to mediate in the conflict between PKB and PBNU. This was stated in his press statement after visiting the Ku Museum, Timbul Raharjo Kasongan Gerabah, Kajen, Bangunjiwo, Kec. Kasihan, Bantul, DI Yogyakarta, Wednesday, August 7.

"If their desire for me is to be asked as a person who denies, sincerely reconciles, I am very willing," said Ma'ruf.

However, one of the founders of the PKB also emphasized that he would refuse to be a savior, if both parties approached him just looking for bullets to attack each other. Ma'ruf Amin emphasized that he did not want to cause the existing conflict to get bigger.

"But if I am asked to reconcile, they want to make peace finding a solution, of course I am very ready to do that," he said.