Cak Imin: Any Kiai If Violating The Constitution, Kualat!

Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) emphasized that no one can violate the constitution that has been established by the state, including religious leaders.

This was revealed by Cak Imin during the handover of the letter of investigation to prospective regional head candidates, when PKB was also at odds with the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board.

"Even if it violates the constitution, it is against our national principles. Even from wherever he is, if he violates the constitution, he will pray by our beloved country," said Cak Imin at the PKB DPP office, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 15.

Cak Imin also asked all party ranks and candidates for regional heads promoted by PKB to obey and obey the constitution. This is because efforts to violate the constitution will face the state.

"If we are istiqomah in the constitution, God willing, our path will be plates and no one will interfere with all of our leadership that we will run within the regional government. Including in all our national political processes," he explained.

Regarding the disharmony with PBNU, Cak Imin, Cak Imin emphasized that PKB and PBNU are two different entities.

PKB was founded based on Law (UU) Number 2 of 2011 concerning Political Parties. Meanwhile, PBNU was founded based on Law Number 17 of 2013 concerning Community Organizations. Thus, Cak Imin asked PBNU not to interfere in internal PKB affairs.

"People can already judge that there is a desire for the lust of some people at PBNU to ride to PKB. I need to say it firmly, we have a constitution. Let's use each other's constitutional rights, use the Political Party Law, use the Ormas Law. I ask that if there are various kinds of things, return to the constitution," he said.

Some time ago, dozens of structural kiai and caretakers of Islamic boarding schools gathered at the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, East Java, on Monday, August 12. They asked PBNU to immediately take strategic steps in an effort to improve PKB in the future.

During the meeting, Rais Aam PBNU KH Miftachul Akhyar gave the full mandate called "Mandat Tebuireng" to the General Chairperson of PBNU Yahya Cholil Staquf to improve PKB.

"I received a direct order from Rais Aam to follow up on reports from the kiai," said Gus Yahya.

Gus Yahya admitted that he would soon formulate a number of steps to improve the PKB ahead of the party holding a congress in Bali on August 24-25, 2024.