Visiting The Perpetrator Of The Car Crasher, Ayu Ting Ting: I'm Sorry

JAKARTA - Ayu Ting Ting had an unpleasant incident. His car was hit by someone on the toll road on Tuesday, August 13 yesterday.

He revealed that his car looked abrased after being hit on the toll road. The singer became even more annoyed after the perpetrator fled and had no good intentions to take responsibility for his actions.

"If the car is hit until it sounds fast on the toll road, he doesn't want to stop and doesn't want to be responsible, can I spill his car number plate?" Ayu Ting Ting wrote on Instagram Story.

"SpILL, take a little first, instead of moving first, stop, have good faith, sorry, eh, run away. It's not very gentle, your father, wearing a white shirt, wearing glasses too. Hayyoo, do you want to have good faith or not? What do you want me to go viral hheheh," he quipped.

After finding the identity of the vehicle owner, Ayu Ting Ting immediately went to the residence of the vehicle owner. They talked about the incident and chose to make peace.

"Well, how does it feel to be accompanied to the house as small as possible, sir? It's not good, right," wrote Ayu Ting Ting again.

"So if I'm wrong, at least step aside for a while and make a lesson. Next time, not again. I'm sorry, what's important is last night you realized and knew your mistake," he continued.

Prior to this incident, Ayu Ting Ting had just experienced an unpleasant incident, namely her car was robbed by thieves while on vacation in the United States.