Fulfillment Of Women's Rights Needs To Maximize The Quality Of Human Resources

JAKARTA - Fulfillment of women's rights in the country needs to be fulfilled. Therefore, the quality of human resources (HR) in Indonesia can be maximized in the future.
This was revealed by the Head of the Riau Mobilization Team, Adrias Harianto regarding the holding of the Women's Empowerment Grand Festival, Cita Srikandi on August 23-25 at the Riau Governor's Square and the Riau Sharia BRK Tower Ballroom. The activity was previously successfully held in Jakarta last May.
"Especially in sustainable development, there are several indicators that must be achieved, such as gender equality, justice and inclusiveness, as well as other women's rights in order to maximize human resources," said Adrias in a statement quoted on Wednesday, August 14.
Adrias said that his party supports Renjana Cita Srikandi. The hope is that the competence and collaboration of women in Indonesia can increase in the future.
Moreover, the theme being carried is 'Energizing You, Elevating Each Other'. "I really hope that this activity can bang on the potential of the community, especially women in Riau Province," he said.
The activities were also held in Medan, Bandung, and Makassar. In the implementation in Jakarta in May 2024, the collaboration platform received a positive response from more than 8,000 visitors.
Pekanbaru was chosen as the city for the implementation of Renjana Cita Srikandi for several reasons. One of them, the great potential and high enthusiasm of women who excel there.
They are considered to have contributed significantly in various fields, including business, arts, and culture both at the provincial, national, regional and international levels. This activity involved the participation of local women talents and figures such as businessman Tia Juwita and social media influencer Cut Aliza Syakila.
"Women's involvement in the economy is very important for sustainable growth. This event should be appreciated, especially since this event can open the eyes of Riau women to be interested in entering the world of entrepreneurs and the creative economy," said the owner of Rattia Rattan Handmade, Tia Juwita.