Kasatnarkoba Polresta Barelang And His Subordinates Examined By The Riau Islands Police Propam Regarding Drug Cases
JAKARTA - The Riau Islands Police Propam (Kepri) conducted an examination of a number of members of the Barelang Police Narcotics Unit (Satres) related to suspected drug cases.
Head of Public Relations (Head of Public Relations) of the Riau Islands Police Inspector General Pol. Zahwan Pandar Arysad said the examination also included the Head of the Narcotics Unit (Kasatnarkoba) Kompol Satria Nanda.
"Yes, that's right and we are currently investigating what involvement is there, because there are several perpetrators," said Pandra in Riau Islands, confiscated by Antara.
According to Pandra, the investigation by the Head of Narcotics Unit of the Barelang Police and its members was the result of the development of the disclosure of drug cases carried out by the Barelang Police.
However, Pandar was reluctant to specify the number of members of the Barelang Police Narcotics Unit who were questioned by the Riau Islands Police Propam.
"There are several perpetrators, meaning this is the development of another case he (Kasatnarkoba) arrested but there are no perpetrators, right," he said.
The former Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police emphasized that the examination of unscrupulous members of the Barelang Police Satnarkoba was a form of commitment from the Riau Islands Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Yan Fitri Halimansyah in carrying out the instructions of the National Police Chief General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo supports the prevention, eradication, abuse and illicit drug trafficking (P4GN) program.
In addition, this decisive step is a form of inherent supervision (Waskat) carried out by the Head of the Barelang Police, Kombes Pol. Heribertus Ompusunggu to his staff, as stipulated in the Regulation of the Chief of Police (Perkap) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Supervision Attached to the Police.
"This allegation is why one form of leadership supervision of its members is regulated in the Regulation of the Chief of Police (Perkap) No. 2 of 2022," said Pandra.
Pandra added that the Riau Islands Regional Police and their ranks were firm in eradicating drugs, taking action against anyone involved, including members who played with drugs.
However, he continued, his party upholds the principle of presumption of innocence, so further investigation is carried out. Regarding the information, that the involvement of the Barelang Police officer is related to the reduced amount of drug evidence that wants to be exposed weighing one kg, it needs proof.
"We have the principle that the presumption of innocence cannot be proven, or accusations or allegations if there is no evidence," said Pandra.