Visit The PAN Office, Kaesang Invited Zulhas To Attend The Congress Next Week

JAKARTA - PSI Chairman Kaesang Pangarep visited the PAN DPP office on Wednesday, August 14, morning. On that occasion, PAN Chairman Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) invited Kaesang to attend the PAN's VIth Congress which will be held on Friday, August 23, next week.The plan is that the PAN Congress will take place at the Indonesian Hotel Kempinski Jakarta. This event will be held for two days until August 24."Mas Kaesang, thank you for visiting the PAN DPP office, as well as inviting Mas Kaesang to attend the PAN Congress on 23 (August, ed)," said Zulkifli Hasan at the PAN DPP Office, Wednesday, August 14.Zulhas also revealed the contents of the conversation in his meeting with President Joko Widodo's youngest son. He said, only friendship was colored with jokes and discussed the latest politics."What was the above? Mas Kaesang continues to invite jokes, keep joking, young people but have a high sense of humor. So we basically become a developed country. I think that's all, there's a little bit of talk about politics," said the Minister of Trade.Meanwhile, PSI Chairman Kaesang Pangarep said there were political talks in his meeting with Zulhas. He hopes that PAN and PSI can form a coalition in the 2029 presidential election.
"Like Mr. Ketum said, there are also several points, the politics is a little true, but there are more jokes. But earlier there was also a prayer from the chairman of PAN so that in 2029, PSI and PAN will form a coalition and it could be more than 20 percent," he said.