Two Years Delayed, Sigli-Banda Aceh Toll Tariffs Immediately Rise
JAKARTA - PT Hutama Karya (Persero) will immediately implement adjustments and tariff determinations on the Sigli-Banda Aceh (Sibanceh) Toll Road in the near future.
This is in line with the issuance of Decree (SK) of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) No.1980/KPTS/M/2024 on August 9, 2024 regarding Adjustments to the Sigli-Banda Aceh Toll Tariff Section 2-4 (Seulimeum-Blang Bintang) and Determination of Tariffs in Section 5-6 (Bang Bintang-Baitusalam).
Executive Vice President (EVP) Corporate Secretary Hutama Karya Adjib Al Hakim said the section 2-4 of the Sigli-Banda Aceh Toll Road (Seulimeum-Blang Bintang) has been operating since 2020 and has been set for tariffs in March 2021.
During its four years of operation, various service improvements were carried out by Hutama Karya. Starting from routine maintenance and beautification, additional facilities both on the traffic and transaction side as well as improving road quality in accordance with Minimum Service Standards (SPM).
Therefore, toll road tariff adjustments need to be made. This is stated in Article 48 paragraphs 3 and 4 of Law Number 2 of 2022 concerning Roads, that tariff adjustments can be made every two years taking into account the influence of inflation and evaluation of the fulfillment of SPM.
"The tariff adjustment was like it was done in 2022, but was postponed with the consideration of post-covid economic recovery. This year we must do it to maintain a conducive investment climate in toll road management. So, it will have an impact on the sustainability of the first toll road in Aceh," said Adjib in his written statement, quoted Wednesday, August 14.
Adjib said, for the Sigli-Banda Aceh Toll Road Section 5-6 (Bang Bintang-Baitussalam) has been operated without tariffs since June 2023, with the enthusiasm of toll road users which is quite high.
This can be seen from the total volume of vehicles passing, which is more than 430,000 vehicles.
Throughout this tariffless operating period, said Adjib, Hutama Karya has intensively carried out socialization and education which includes the use of electronic money cards, benefits and profiles of toll roads, driving rules and information regarding culinary and tourist destinations around toll roads through various communication channels.
"Since being operated without tariffs, section 5-6 adds the length of the Sibanceh toll road and provides significant benefits. For example, reducing travel time from Seulimeum to Baitussalam from 1.5 hours to only 30 minutes," he concluded.