There Is A Forgery Of Data For 120 Hotels In DIY, PHRI Berncana Reports To The Police

JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants (PHRI) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) plans to make a police report regarding cases of falsification of electronic data on the Google Business account belonging to 120 hotels or lodging in DIY Province.

Chairman of PHRI DIY Deddy Pranowo Eryono said, of the 120 hotels, inns, and homestays in DIY that stated that their electronic data was falsified, only about 50 hotels provided official data to report.

"In the near future, after the official data is collected, we will go to the Yogyakarta Regional Police," he said when contacted in Yogyakarta, Tuesday, August 13, as reported by Antara.

Deddy said that a number of hotels, inns, and "homestays" that claimed to be victims of falsification of data were spread across the cities of Yogyakarta, Sleman Regency, Gunungkidul, Bantul, and Kulon Progo.

"Only about 50 (official data) came in out of 120 which verbally conveyed to me," he said.

Based on the complaints received by PHRI DIY, electronic data in the form of the official hotel contact number listed on Google was replaced or faked by irresponsible parties.

"Change the reservation number (contact), then the guest is asked for a transfer (servation fee) but not the account from the hotel, inn or 'homestay' to be targeted," he said.

The case was discovered after one of the prospective guests re-confirmed it by calling the main telephone number of the hotel or coded inn (0274).

"No consumers have been victims yet. Until now I have not received a report," he said.

According to Deddy, until now the hotel still has difficulty restoring contact data on Google Business which was falsified to the original number.

"Our number was confirmed but it was changed again 30 minutes later. This incident almost all of Indonesia experienced it," said Deddy.

Because of this incident, he appealed to potential consumers to be aware of falsification of the contact number by calling the main telephone number of the coded hotel (0274) or through travel agents when they were about to book a room.

In addition, it is also necessary to ensure that the destination account for the transfer of reservation fees belongs to the hotel or inn concerned.

"Because the fraudster (account) is in his personal name, not on behalf of the hotel," said Deddy.

Previously, the PHRI Central Management Agency (BPP) revealed that there was falsification of data on the Google Business account that hit a number of hotels in various parts of Indonesia on Sunday, August 11.

Chairman of PHRI Hariyadi BS Sukamdani stated that this hack occurred in a number of areas, including West Sumatra, Riau, South Sumatra, Riau Islands, Banten, Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, South Sulawesi, and other areas.