A Number Of Hotels In Riau Islands Were Hacked, The Perpetrators Changed The Official Contact Number To Smoothly Commit Fraud

RIAU - A number of hotels in the Riau Islands (Kepri) have been victims of hacking on the Google Business service in recent days.This was conveyed by the Head of the Regional Leadership Agency (BPD) of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) Riau Islands, Jimmy Ho.“ Some of the hotels in Riau Islands were hacked. The mode used is by replacing the hotel's official contact number with the number they control to deceive potential customers, ” Jimmy said when contacted in Batam, Antara, Tuesday, August 13.The hacking mode has been found in several major cities in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Semarang, Denpasar, and Sabang. Jimmy chose not to disclose in detail information about hotels that were victims of hacking in order to maintain the confidentiality and security of the person concerned.However, PHRI ensures that until now, no customer reports have been deceived due to this incident."From our center, an announcement is immediately released for all hotels, to be vigilant and so that each hotel can clarify the correct contact information for consumers," he said.With the actions of the agile PHRI, Jimmy hopes consumers and hotels will be more alert to increasingly sophisticated online modes and frauds.
"For the future, we urge customers to check the information on the hotel's official website, and hotels to remain vigilant and ensure that the contact information they provide to the public is correct," said Jimmy again.For now, PHRI Kepri is doing its best to mitigate hacking issues, and so that agencies related are more careful.