5 Reasons Why Testis Hurts And How To Treat It

YOGYAKARTA Pain in the body, sometimes caused by collisions or because the sport is too hard. But for this part of the man's body, it is necessary to identify the cause. Testis hurts due to certain factors. The following is an explanation of the reasons why the testes feel sore and recommendations for how to treat them.

The torque testicular is caused when the spermtic rope that connects the tubes to the body is twisted and stops blood from the testes, explained Florida-based urological Michael P. Zahalsky, MD. reported by Men's Health, Monday, August 12. Doctor Zahalsky explained further, the analogy seemed to be to pick the apples that were twisted until the fruit came off. This is what happens when a man experiences torsion of the test.

Men's most common torques are experienced by men aged 12-18 years even though they can be experienced in men at any age. The torque of the testes usually occurs because the sport is too hard, has sex, or even during sleep. The pain is really great and occurs suddenly in the rectum area. To relieve it, the doctor will provide a recommendation after the diagnosis. In some cases, doctors can manually remove the literature of the thesis. However, most often, you need surgery to overcome it.

The nerves of the dates are related to many nerves in the stomach. This includes those related to nerves in the kidneys as well as digestive system channels. If constipation, the pressure from the impurities that are not removed can suppress the nerves around the testes and cause pain. The same thing happens when you experience Hinjal stones. It's different for hernia, because the nerves around you will be inflamed and cause pain.

Anatomically, the testes are like a 'ball' hanging on some tali'. The rope consists of a blood vessel, nerves, and tissue that allows the body to be in place. Around the testes and vessels as well as tissue there is a liquid, explained the male health doctor and Jamin Brahmhatt urology, MD. But sometimes the amount of fluid is too much so that the tube bags experience hydrokel. Hydrokel itself actually does not cause pain. But the testes will feel heavy and swollen.

It is very important to see a doctor every time there is swelling in the testes. If it is caused by hydrokel, in some cases the swelling will disappear alone in approximately six months. But there are also those who need surgery.

Chest pain, apart from being associated with kidney stones and hernia. It can also be caused by seizure pelvic floor muscles, explains shot Levine, MD., professor of urology at the Urology Department, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago.

The reason why the testes feel pain, it can be because of the pelvic floor dysfunction. The muscles of the area are so tense that they feel pain. Launching the Cleveland Clinic, there are millions of men around the world experiencing this every year. To overcome this, it takes treatment such as therapy for the pelvic floor muscles, biofeedback, and relaxation techniques.

Varikokel is the widening of a venous blood vessel in a teste-retaining bag. This condition will not cause the testes to feel annoying pain, but it feels full and looks like a 'worm bag', explained Brahmbhatt.

Symptoms experienced depend on the variikokel swelling stage. For stage 3, is the biggest level and the swelling is clearly visible. Stadium 2 is not too severe even though it feels swollen. The midfielder for stage 1, did not realize the swelling.

This condition is most experienced during itself. Usually it develops on the left side of the thesis because that is where the veins are located. Varikokel is also associated with low sperm production and quality, so doctors often check it when people have problems with fertility. For severe cases, it may require surgery, where doctors will divert blood flow from damaged veins to functioning veins.