Starting The Task, North Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Hary Sudwijanto Visits Border Icon

TANJUNG SELOR - Head of the North Kalimantan Regional Police (Kapolda), Inspector General Hary Sudwijanto visited a number of Border Icons in Tarakan City and Sebatik Island, Nunukan Regency.

Head of Public Relations of the North Kalimantan Police, Kombes Budi Rahmat said, Kapolda Inspector General Hary Sudwijanto accompanied by the Deputy Chief of Police Brigadier General Pol Golkar Pangarso Rahardjo Winarsadi and the main official of the Kaltara Police visited two-state border house destinations between Indonesia-Malaysia, Patok Border Indonesia-Malaysia and Marina Beach in Sebatik, Nunukan.

"The first Kunker (work visit) of the Kapolda also visited the Mangrove Forest in Tarakan City," said Kombes Budi Rahmat.

During this destination visit, the Kaltara Police Chief also took selfies together at the homes of two countries and at the Indonesia - Malaysia border site located on RT Border Street. 02 Aji Kuning Village, Central Sebatik District, Nunukan \

"In addition, the Kaltara Police Chief also took the time to talk with the owner of the house who was known as Hj. Haje's mother," said Budi.

"After that, the Kaltara Police Chief also visited tourist destinations in Tarakan City, one of which was the Manggrove Forest to see the typical animal from Kaltara, namely Bekantan," he continued.

Kombes Budi Rahmat said the purpose of this visit was that the Kaltara Police Chief wanted to know firsthand the geographical conditions in Kaltara, especially the areas directly adjacent to neighboring Malaysia.

"Kunker ini untuk memulai tugas baru dia sebagai Kapolda Kaltara," katanya.