3 Signs Of Men's Pubertas, Parents Must Know

JAKARTA - The rainy period must be passed by every child to become an adult. Pubertas is marked by signs of secondary sex and the existence of a growing runway.

Pubertas in boys occurs in the age range of 10-1214 years. Meanwhile,emphasizing in girls occurs in the age range of 12-2016 years.

In certain cases, purification can come faster at a younger age. Early Pubertas can occur when markages appear at a time when boys are less than 9 years old, while in women they appear under the age of 8. Here are 3 caveat signs for boys.

The size of the Gender Device is Extended Reporting from the National Institutes of Health page, for boys,ipelago is marked by the increase in the size of the testes and penises. There is no standard benchmark regarding when this change will emerge, but it is expected to occur from the age of 11-12 years.

Regarding this change, parents have to educate their children that every boy can experience the development of different testes and penises, some appear faster and some are a little late. Therefore, children don't have to worry or compare the size of their penis to other people's penises.

In addition, there is also a slight difference in the size of the testes, there is no need to worry because this is normal. However, it is recommended for boys who enter retirement to check the condition of their penis and testes regularly, for example when they are bathing. If there is a lump, color change, or pain, don't be ashamed to consult a doctor.

Having Wet Dreams During old age, boys will also experience wet dreams, namely ejaculation that occurs while sleeping. Wet dreams can occur due to an increase in levels of testosterone hormones in the body. With age, the intensity of wet dreams will decrease.

Hair growth in the Penis, Face, and Ketiak Boy areas will experience growth in fine hairs around the genitals, face, and armpits during menstruation.

Voice Becomes Tougher During menstruation, there is also an enlargement of the size of the runt (where the sound band) which will make the sound of the boys sound heavier. This happens because the body is adapting to the size of the new runng. This condition is often known as the breaking of the sound of a man. This sound breaking will occur for several months and usually occurs in the age range of 1216 years. After that, the sound will continue to grow to perfection and usually settle at the age of 17 years and over.