Meutya Hafid: The Appointment Process Of Acting Ketum Golkar Will Run Orderly And Peaceful

JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPP Media and the Golkar Party Opinion Raising, Meutya Hafid, gave an official response regarding the decision of the General Chairperson of the Golkar Party DPP, Airlangga Hartarto, who decided to resign from his position.

"The Golkar Party DPP appreciates the decision of General Chair Airlangga Hartarto to resign as his personal right. We express our gratitude and high appreciation for his dedication and achievements so far. Under the leadership of Pak Airlangga, the Golkar Party managed to increase votes in the 2024 Legislative and Presidential Elections and won victory with the elected presidential-presidential pair, Prabowo-Gibran. This is the result of the hard work of all party ranks from the center to the regions," said Meutya Hafid in a written statement, Monday, August 12.

Meutya also explained about the next steps, namely the appointment of the Acting Ketum. But Golkar first held a plenary meeting to discuss Airlangga's resignation on Tuesday, August 13.

"Pak Airlangga's resignation will only be officially ratified in the plenary meeting. We will ensure that this process runs in an orderly and peaceful manner, as well as maintain the dignity of the Golkar Party as a mature big party," he added.

Meutya asked Golkar cadres to remain calm and solid regarding Airlangga's decision.

"This is an important time for all of us to show solidity and integrity," he said.