After Giving Birth, Syahrini Focuses On Providing Exclusive Breastfeeding For Her First Daughter

JAKARTA - Happiness is being felt by the couple Syahrini and Reino Barack, who just had their first daughter on August 1.
Syahrini's younger brother, Aisyahrani, said that all the birth processes of his brother went smoothly and were greeted with happiness because of the daughter he had been waiting for for for 5 years.
"Alhamdulillah, everyone is happy, smooth. The birth is also smooth, the birth is perfect, smooth, thank God everyone is happy," said Aisyahrani, quoted by VOI from YouTube Intense Investigation, Monday, August 12.
"This is what our family has been waiting for, as well as Reino's family, thank God we have been waiting for 5 years to be given," he added.
For almost two weeks as a mother, Aisyahrani said that Syahrini was struggling to provide exclusive breast milk for her daughter.
"I'm struggling every day to provide exclusive breast milk for the baby," explained Aisyahrani.
He explained that Syahrini's milk was in large quantities and the process went smoothly even though at the beginning of the release it was yellow.
"There are also a lot of asymptomatic, smooth, that's what was posted yesterday, all of which are still yellow, right, that's definitely the beginning of breast milk is like that. Everything is smooth, very smooth," he said.