Local Residents Are Invited To Attend The 79th Indonesian Anniversary Celebration At IKN

JAKARTA - Local residents are welcome to attend the celebration of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day (HUT) in the capital city of the archipelago (IKN) on August 17, 2024. This right was confirmed by the General Chairperson of the East Kalimantan Dayak Association (Kaltim) Syaharei Jaang.

"Until now there has been no prohibition because if there is, they will definitely contact me. Now it doesn't exist and hopefully there won't be any," said Syaharei in an online discussion entitled IKN and the Meaning of Independence in Jakarta, Saturday, August 10.

He also admitted that he had been invited to attend IKN to participate in celebrating the 79th Indonesian Independence Day, as well as several organizations and traditional community leaders in East Kalimantan.

However, he does not deny that there will be certain possible restrictions that will be applied during the celebration of the Indonesian Independence Day at IKN considering that IKN is currently still in the development stage.

Thus, Syaharei appealed to people who have not been able to attend in person to witness the celebration of the Indonesian Independence Day at IKN so that they can participate in the excitement of their celebration through live broadcasts on television and radio.

"Direct broadcasts on this radio can already be connected to sub-districts," he said, quoted from ANTARA.

Therefore, he hopes that the IKN development can be completed soon and the local community can see that the nation's capital has actually been moved.

The government has opened up opportunities for the local people of East Kalimantan to participate in the celebration of the 79th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia which will be held at IKN.

"How come it has been accommodated, especially for community leaders and residents around IKN," said East Kalimantan Secretary of the National Unity and Political Agency (Kesbangpol) Ahmad Firdaus Kurniawan to ANTARA in the capital city of Nusantara, August 9.

From the results of coordination with the Presidential Secretariat (Setpres), his party detailed the quota that has been provided for community leaders and other general public figures.

"About 400 quotas have been allocated to community leaders throughout East Kalimantan, both for flag-raising ceremonies in the morning and lowering flags in the afternoon," he explained.

Meanwhile, said Firdaus, specifically for residents around IKN, especially in North Penajam Paser (PPU) and Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar), 500 quotas are provided for each session.

Nevertheless, Firdaus acknowledged that the number of quotas provided was limited. This is due to the condition of IKN which is still in the development stage and so that the atmosphere is maintained conducively.