The Supply Of Subsidized Fertilizers In Lebak Regency Is Fulfilled For The Third Planting Season

JAKARTA - The supply of subsidized fertilizers in Lebak Regency, Banten, is confirmed to be sufficient for the third planting season which will start in September-October 2024. This is expected to support increased food production in the region.

The head of the Tambakbaya Farmers Association (Gapoktan) of Lebak Regency, Ruhiana, expressed his appreciation for the availability of abundant subsidized fertilizers. "We are very happy because the supply of subsidized fertilizers is available at official kiosks appointed by the local government," he said when contacted in Rangkasbitung, Lebak.

According to Ruhiana, so far there has been no shortage of subsidized fertilizer in the market. Farmers in their area can accelerate planting after harvest within 14 days according to the instructions of Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaeman. "Now farmers in our area are entering the rice harvest season," he added.

Another farmer, Suryadi (55), also expressed his satisfaction with the relatively fulfilled supply of subsidized fertilizers. "We are greatly helped by the availability of this subsidized fertilizer," he said. For rice planting an area of one hectare, 500 kilograms of subsidized fertilizer, 300 kilograms of NPK, and 200 kilograms of urea fertilizer are needed.

Head of the Production Division of the Lebak Regency Agriculture Service, Deni Iskandar, ensures that the stock of subsidized fertilizers for the third planting season is safe and sufficient. "There is no problem with the distribution of subsidized fertilizers, so it is easier for farmers to buy fertilizers at the distributor level and official agents," said Deni.

Deni explained that the distribution of fertilizers still refers to the submission of a Definitive Group Needs Plan (RDKK) to prevent misappropriation. Currently, the stock of subsidized urea fertilizers is available as many as 24,249 tons, NPK 24,158 tons, and Petrorganik 4,281 tons.

"With the availability of sufficient subsidized fertilizer stock, we are sure that the third planting season can increase food production and farmers' welfare," concluded Deni