Director General Of Aptika Expressed The Fate Of The Cikarang PDN Development After The PDNS Incident

The Director General of Informatics Applications of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Hokky Situngkir, has not been able to confirm when the National Data Center in Cikarang will be inaugurated.

Hokky admitted that the ransomware incident that hit the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) had some impact on how the government ensures the security of the upcoming PDN.

"It must be admitted that the PDNS incident affects how we improve the development process, and so on," said Hokky at the Ngopi Bareng Kominfo event on Friday, August 9.

However, in terms of infrastructure development, Hokky said that the readiness was more than 70 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of design, the Cikarang PDN has been built at around 80 percent.

Previously, the Cikarang PDN was targeted to be completed in October. However, until now there is no certainty when the PDN will be inaugurated.

"The problem was inaugurated or not, it might have been announced by a higher than us. When it comes to the previous timeline, it's not that disturbed (PDNS ransomware) actually. What is clear is that we might be able to be active maybe early next year," Hokky continued.

"The point is that it can be active early next year. The design infrastructure has increased by a few percent from before," he continued further.

The new Director General of Aptika also cannot confirm who will manage PDN later. However, for the initial stage, he emphasized that those who will manage it are management services or companies empowering management, maintenance, and monitoring of their IT infrastructure to third-party service providers.

"The manager is yes, of course the initial stage is still manage service. But at the end of the day, in the end, the managers are each tenant, each K/L," he concluded.