Toddler Dragged By River In Agam, West Sumatra Found Dead Stuck In 4 Days Of Search

JAKARTA - The Joint SAR team managed to find a toddler named Fatin (5) who was swept away by the current with his parents on the Tambuo Jorong Pasa River, Ampek Nagari District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) after four days of searching. Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of the Agam Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Ichwan Pratama Danda said the victim was found caught in a tree branch in the Padang Bio-bio River, Ampek Nagari District on Friday at around 10.25 WIB. "The victim was found about 10 kilometers from the point of the victim being swept away in a dead condition," he said in Lubuk Basung, Friday, August 9, confiscated by Antara. He said that currently the victim was evacuated by a joint team to the Bawan Health Center and an autopsy was immediately carried out by the medical team. After an autopsy was carried out, the victim was taken to the funeral home and immediately handed over to the victim's family.

"We have handed over the victim's body to his parents for burial," he said.

Ia menambahkan tim gabungan Pemkab Agam berasal dari BPBD Agam, Satpol PP Damkar, PMI, TNI, Polri, Basarnas, pemerintah kecamatan, pemerintah nagari, dan masyarakat, mencari keberadaan korban sepanjang aliran sungai itu.Pencarian melibatkan puluhan orang menggunakan satu drone dan perahu."Korban berhasil ditemukan pada hari keempat dilaporkan terseret arus sungai," katanya.

He said, a family in Padang Alai, Jorong Kampuan Malayu, Nagari Sitalang, Ampek Nagari sub-district, was swept away by the river current on August 6, 2024 at around 17.30 WIB. The victim was swept away by the current of the Tambuo River in Jorong Pasa when his father's motorbike in the name of Eri Marianto (36) passed the bridge in the area. Suddenly there was large river water and was carried away by the overflowing current after heavy rainfall hit the area on Tuesday, August 6 afternoon. As a result, the victim's mother on behalf of Reni Andayani (32) and Fatin was swept away by the river current. Reni was found about 20 meters from the bridge in a safe condition. "Reni survived and the victim's father was not swept away. Her father tried to find the victim," he said.