Corruption In Paving Dusun Rehabilitation, Mantung Temanggung Village Head Becomes Suspect Arrested By Prosecutor

The Temanggung District Attorney (Kejari) in Central Java (Central Java) detained the Village Head (Kades) Mantung for the 2020-2026 period, Muhammad Ida Maulana (MIM).

Ida is a suspect in corruption in financial assistance for pavingization development/rehabilitation activities from the Candi-Mendongan Hamlet in Muntung Village in 2022.

"The suspect is an active village head. He is now being placed in the Temanggung detention center," said Head of the Temanggung Kejari Special Crimes Section, Masrun, in Temanggung, Thursday, August 8, confiscated by Antara.

Based on the calculation of the Inspectorate, suspect Ida has harmed state finances amounting to Rp295 million.

With details, the work budget is IDR 500 million with three activities, namely IDR 150 million, IDR 150 million, and IDR 200 million.

The modus operandi, he continued, was that funds from village accounts had been transferred to partners for the provision of goods, then the Head of the MIM village asked for the funds back.

"Thus, there is a reduction in the volume of work and work has not been completed. This is detrimental to state finances," he said.

In investigating this case, the Temanggung Kejari has examined 17 people as witnesses. They are from the village government, providers of goods, and reporters.

Masrun said that his party was still investigating the statements of witnesses and there might still be additional witnesses to strengthen the indictment.

The suspect was charged with Article 2 and Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001.